
Your Deal
January 13, 2015

Deal with it! They say 
It’s holding you back 
You must let it go 
Leave it on the track 

It’s not easy to do 
You think it’s all planned 
Behaviour’s a habit 
Not a card in my hand 

Years in the making 
I know it’s not sense 
When I feel it come on 
It’s like a high fence 

I can see past it 
But not to the future 
I just see the cuts 
wounds without suture

By Norman Ohl
Your Jail
June 10, 2014

The jails you create
Are stronger than bars
Your mind builds them up
From your hurt and your scars

We give ourselves sentence 
With terms that are long
Beware! Yourself loathing
Is covert, but strong

The real trick we play 
Is not easy to see
On ourselves everyday
Be aware! We hold the key

It’s not locked up tight 
In a safe where you live
But is put in your hand
When yourself you forgive!

By Norman Ohl
Both Feet In

Remember, time I met her
thought gees, he can do better being a true mate.
My lips, shut gate.

Months later, she was gone
And boy, did I rambled on
Bout how much better off
for giving her the toss
he'd find a better lover
without a devil mother

More fun, a better looker
dress sense, not like a hooker
with a figure to delight
not cause one to flee in fright

Relentless in my berate
till I looked back a my mate
in tone as light as feather
said "we're back together"

By Norman Ohl
Aged Wisdom

I worry for the aging, ranks I'll soon be joining
Gen Y's perception of them, can be disappointing
impressions today's youth have, of Seniors IQ rating
as struggle with technology, they are navigating

I worry the young will view
this lack of skill and training
that they're fumbling Mr.Magoos
or worse, as entertaining
miss the bountiful pool
of life skills they possess
talking to a Senior's a school
noUni or College express

No wonder histories recur
we do time and again repeated
Mistakes recurrently occur
as old memories are depleted

I say to the youth of today
as you Latte and text in cafes
Take time to converse with the aged
Hope their mistakes, you won't restage

By Norman Ohl
All Meals Included

All meals included
The Pamphlet said
In room Ensuite
Roll out of bed

We will pay you to stay
You can simply relax
Workout in our Gym
Get health score to max.

If your stay's extended
Don't worry 'bout a thing
Your mail will be rendered
Direct to your room

24 hour check-in
Free courtesy Bus
No reservation needed
We won't make a Fuss

Too good to be true?
There's always a catch
My room is a Cell
The Screws hold the latch

By Norman Ohl
Full Throttle

My right hands a problem
When I hop on a bike
Or perhaps it's my wrist
causes the throttle to spike

Whatever the root cause
I've had my whole life
Has caused me some grief
My fair share of strife 

Coppers warned me
more than one time
The speeds I do
constitute crime

at speed your alive
Adrenalin flow
I'm not stealin cars
Or trippin on blow

Yea, I know there's a risk
But it's my life to take
A single fatality
If I make a mistake

By Norman Ohl
I Can Tell the Future

I can tell the future
Is what I tell my kid
If you pull that suture
You'll bleed, then flip your lid

If you slide that staircase
Attempt awesome skid
Lose to old man friction
You'll crash! He did

One time I watched my daughter rollerblade around the room
Cast gaze on Mums' treadmill
I saw an idea bloom
I said "do not think about it!"
She looked at me in shock

"If you ever try it,crash probly' stop you clock"
I turned away so briefly
There just did not seem the time
But shooting from that treadmill

Upon which she had just climbed
Bone, skin, terracotta
All met at sonic speed
She did live to tell the story
But the lesson, cost her a bleed

By Norman Ohl
Some People

Some people feel powerful when others they hurt
Some people feel better if others are down in the dirt
Some people use secrets like weapons in hand
Some people themselves cannot even stand

Some people do things their own mothers appall
Some people play with emotions to bring another's downfall
Some people work hard to deceive in hope of reward
Some people hurt others because they are bored

These people will grow old like the rest of us do
These people will be lonely as there time here is thru
These people won't be comforted by what they accrue
These people will die without company those they knew
These people crave forgiveness that is well overdue
These people will lament wasting a life lived askew

By Norman Ohl
Love Too Small!

Love, it's just a word, should describe a feeling
Too few letters, has someone been stealing?
In the long time, language has been around
Surely, scholar's, come up with more nouns?

My Love, for my wife's, not same as my Mum
Love is like Light, it spans a whole spectrum
My life giving Love, for Daughters and Sons
Different to God Love, given by Nuns

I could go on, but you get the notion
Four letters, too small, for this emotion
So I call you to action, new word inventors
Post on the Web, become billboard renters
Invent ten new words, or let the list thrive
for all kinds of Love, in your daily lives

By Norman Ohl
Wild Surf

It’s tacit power, sends pulse asunder
All around me foam, crashing like thunder
Hushed calm, an instant, now caught offbeat
An invisible Troll, has grabbed my feet

Arms thrust up, try to grip skies valance
In vain attempt, to keep my balance
Thor’s hammer strikes, lower back
face compresses, wet sand, impact

In shock, took a minute, realise had to breathe
Push up, through bubbling nebula, that above me seethe
Salted eyes, blaze afire, in teary pain
feel adrenaline rush, like on cocaine

Staggering up to the beach, I turned on heel
aghast, such furious beauty, that lay concealed
below the surf, had now become so real
natures mood, to me, she had revealed

By Norman Ohl
Life’s a Fair, not fair

No country Fairs held in Oz
Not sure why, just always was
Here we call them, a Country Show
Every Boy must learn, get in the know
That Showees' are blokes that run the thing
Patrons the Showgoers' that they sting

Joy rides are a rip-off, food prices a crime
Prize games are rigged, but we still have good times
Life is a Fair, not meant to be fair
When young your naïve, work hard, pay your fare
When Old you get smarter but then lose your hair

Life can be fun ride, it's all up to you
Your reaction your choice, life not here to argue
If Life rigs the game, you still pay to play
No matter your studious or hardworking by day
The alternative to deciding, to enjoy the ride
Is to curl in a corner, suck thumb, choose to hide

By Norman Ohl
Frequent Flyer

I will tell you a story, at risk you may reach
Common enough problem, just not often in speech
Recently travelled, five countries, one week
Ten flights, five airports and two blistered feet

Fast food and rich food, some my dog wouldn't eat
Hotels with no views, slow trains with no seat
Thief taxi drivers, booking agents who cheat

Flat phone, Flatter Laptop, lost power adapter
Old broad, Hotel Bar, stalking me like a Raptor
Business flowed easy, but other things stalled
Toilets in Asia would leave Maggots appalled

So it's now gone eight days with this load backed up
I now sit at home, as my backend erupts
the Families outside, whole house smells of it
The Dogs taken off, like a snake has him bit
Though others suffer, all I feel is relief
I'm six kilos lighter, my breaths again sweet

By Norman Ohl
My First BFF

Earliest memory I ever had
Is not of my Mum, Sister or Dad
Tis of my best Pal, when very small
We'd run , we'd jump, even crawl
Spent all day playing, come home late
I saw no canine, just my best mate

Often over staying
Exploring the creek
Muddy bed decaying
Six smelly black feet
in the house run baying
Mum's housekeeper would weep

If ever got Ice Cream
Mum, she would scream
Spot and I, tight team
Twas fair I share free
Lick one a Spoty
Lick one a me

By Norman Ohl
Mookie’s Wrecked

Daughter rang me, from afar
Said "Mookie racing, stacked his car"
I said, " Well is he Ok?"
Reply, " he walked away"
" Then tell him he is a dickhead"
Rely , "Dad do not be so wicked"
" I thought you liked this one?"
I said, "Hon, you had fun, when
He was your latest boyfriend
But now that you are apart
He could burn like match and fart
See Darling as your Pappy
I care only, if you're happy
Cause I'm your Dad, my Mookie affection
Was only tethered by your love connection
Now that your relationships bust
He could vaporize, into dust

By Norman Ohl
Sunflower Enemy’s

Your enemy, like a sunflower
Purpose, talent, intellect endowed
Has admirable traits', even refined!
Proximity to you, only crime

Sunflower in your garden bed
Pleasure to see, it holds no dread
If growing in your crop of feed
Sunflower now, a noxious weed

Your enemy, is much loved
by his family and God above
for you, he means frustration
You wish, for his annihilation

The hard thing to grip
As your teeth you grit
Is without you in the mix
Enemies cease to exist

By Norman Ohl
Femme Fatale

Sun on Skin, Life empowers
Over exposure, skin devourer
Some girls are, a fun tonic
Stay long, venom demonic

Look like Flowers
Bite like poison
These Girls use powers
Beleaguer Mans Sons

By Norman Ohl
Bakelite Boots

Why do some Crack, while some stay together
Are some Bakelite, while some are Leather?
Bend or beat leather, it will stay intact
Bakelite looks tough, shatters on impact

Leather is soft, on upper mould
and tough as nails, if firmly soled
No matter the heat, cold, or conditions
Bakelite stays hard in all positions
Swung leather strap, can sure cause pain

By Norman Ohl
Fitness Club

I belong to a rare fitness club
Like-minded people create support hub

If I get it, an urge, to exercise
Members come, drink with me, till subsides

By Norman Ohl
Disability Blessing

Both Eye's in my head, are Myopic
I know ! It sounds, complex topic
Tis a condition with which I am blighted
It simply means, I am short sighted

Many times, I've cursed my bad luck
inherited this thing, my siblings did duck
Today, perhaps for the very first time
elated at having, this short sight of mine

See, today I was in communal shower
Bathing my body to smell like a flower
save for my eye sight, suspect, I would cower
from pair soon to enter, and what they endowed

Entering the shower, clothes off they peeled
a Husband and Wife, with own gravity field
their outline was hazy, while blocking out Sun
That moment, clear vision, I would gladly shun

Through haze I saw, they started hugging each other
This moment I huddled, thumb sucking, called Mother
Flight or fight reflex, adrenaline surge peaked
I ran naked from there, screaming and freaked

By Norman Ohl
Bill’s Question

Grew watching Bill work, under motor car bonnet
I'd often rest elbow, car mudguard upon it
Bill's sense of humour, was dry as a salt pan

He had no time, to suffer a foolish man
in his gentle way, he would not abuse them
as if a mirror, reflect back their absurdum

One hapless man, walked up, flapping jaw
As Bill was working outside workshop doors
Said "You wouldn't have, fan belt G-T-H-O"
Bill just replied "Well, If you say so"

Walked back inside, to gather a spanner
Blokes face I watched, twist in odd manner
no way to stop, my chuckle, amused
Man looked at me, clearly bemused

I recall thinking, will I leave it be
Or help poor sucker, his error to see
said "reckon he'd have one, or maybe three"
“But you'd have to ask, not make a decree"
Blokes eyes shot up, silent in thinking then raced after Bill, cash in hand plinking.

By Norman Ohl
It’s Your Future

If memories are neurons and chemical collections
that lie deep in our brains, full of tissue connections
Doctors do now tell us, we can build new neural gates
If injury severs spine and legs become paperweights
So then all you've ever done, is hardwired in your head
with practise, time and will, can you map out new thread?

For if this is so, and memories transport us
to places in space and time, like hitching Dr.Whos bus
then talent you have, in brain somewhere oozing
to map out a future, that's of your making and choosing
For sure as you can fill, your mouth with saliva
While recalling a cake past, while watching McGiever
and remember the smell, of that wedding corsage
relax by reflecting, on a past warm massage

Because these thing happened, and are mapped in your head
So you can draw maps, to better future instead
of feeling like falling, and live in fear of hard landing
Why not create your way up, make your future, start commanding!

By Norman Ohl

Patience a Virtue, I was not born with
when I wanted to go, I left forthwith
Then I got Married, Bride put on her makeup
meant fast exit, would lead to a breakup

After two years, I was getting the knack
long come baby, at first I over react
as still longer departure time protract

Twelve year later, seven kids now
leaving the house, in time would allow
turn a large field, with mouse pulling plough

still what's the rush,
 my joy is knowing
I've a beautiful family
great kids that are growing.

By Norman Ohl

Jihad radicals, do mystify me
can killing to reach a holy state be
a possible way to achieve such a goal
Does Allah say this? Are they in Mosque told?

Violence as means, to bring about peace
Tis a way to cover wolf in fleece
not the Infidel, who takes the fall seems disaster for who, follow Islam's call

Not new those, who war in God’s name
Allies and Nazi, both divine causes blame
Crusader and Persian, both righteous, made claim
I'm not sure God likes, always being defamed

From what I read, Jihad can mean
inner struggle, for spirit serene
or Gandhi type struggle, for what's right
or all-out War, against cruel Tyrants spite

As happens often, the human take
makes Holy words, meanings opaque
turns Prophets good, to poison snake
by hand of evil Imans, Fake!

By Norman Ohl
More things Exist

People I meet are surprised when they find out
that to forces yet unknown, I am not in doubt
more exists in Nature, than we can ever know
powers of unseen energy, around us flow
sure as radiation, is in Sunshine, all aglow
none could perceived of UV, not all that long ago

Call me analytical
think that it's not typical
for one, believes in science
could form spiritual alliance
with another person's being
through energy I'm not seeing

But if you think about it practically
and fire synapses neurologically
What's unknown cosmos and universally
is plenty, just a mysterious quantity

I think ego that was big enough
believes he knows all sum of stuff
would show a degree of arrogance
worthy a King that haled from France

By Norman Ohl
Koala pity

Koala dead from thirst, will fall from a tree
To a wasteland earth, of bushfire debris
havinghad no thought of self-righteous pity
fairness, the work, of a human sub-committee

Nature will not say, Shark, don't pick on the small fish
not fair you take lives when you have urge or wish!
Ants invade homes, Termite families have built
No punishment follows because ants feel no guilt

Yet you and your neighbour both share belief
Not held in the Jungle, the Bush or the Reef
That those who will not work or choose an addition
need pity and care, as if they have affliction

But it does seems we have built, a society of pity
No one's to blame for all the Hoboes in Cities 
In Nature these folk would be stats of attrition
Yes, to alter brain chemistry, you need a clinician
of course, no trade will be gained, without stable tuition

But the Hobo must help himself, if in part
It's right, we give hand, to assist his restart
The Junky must possess, a will to survive
He'll Murder and Steal if his drug we deprive

Wake up politician
To serve is your mission
Wake up Joe Taxpayer
Don't be a doomsayer
but insist each new born child
be taught rules of the wild
we must find a balance
do more than just parlance

By Norman Ohl
Legal Visit Blues

Persecuted, but not forsaken;
My Bible read, Struck down, but not destroyed.
These words of Pauls left me shaken
that others endured, left me buoyed

The inspiration I had been seeking
lead to impromptu downpour of dismay and 
guilt that I was weeping
I must, stop feeling this way

self-pity is self-indulgent, I know
So then I kneeled and prayed for direction
but my chin, still trembled my mouth below
from sensations I wanted protection
overwhelming me here, I sit in my Cell
not something , other inmates I'd tell

Regaining my calm and composure
I walked, back out, in the yard
To wait, in our steel enclosure
for Muster, parade and the Guard

Like wild things in the forest
Inmate instinct is a sense
I suspect it awaits in all of us
Resurfacing within this fence

I've got the legal visit blues
next day after seeing my Brief
reliving, recalling and hope
bring prisoners good deal of grief

in this place, hope is a Demon
it promises what's out of reach
it does take a while to learn
this lesson, a Laggin, will teach

By Norman Ohl
Meeting Mrs Silver

Bee Gees and Jackson, were all the go
They sang in falsetto, young girls they would thrill
To young guys who mastered, the freaky high shrill

Whenever the drinking, went on a bit long
I'd sing loud and often, as if my testis were gone
My mates all accepted, they treated me plain
Their catch cry "No Nuts", became my nickname

As with all things, it became commonplace
"How are ya No Nuts?" , when they saw my face
Soon I was meeting, my mate's new girl friend
Kev soon asked Jane, let's wed, and names blend

"No Nut will you, be my best man?"
"Sure Kev" I said "if that's your plan."
Jane's Mum's a Matron, Kev said a real prude
"So when you meet her, try not to be rude"

Kev and I walking, Main street in town
Jane's voice behind, we both turn around
"Mum this is No Nuts" , she looks unimpressed
"Pleasure Mrs Silver!", in my voice, Sunday best

"No Nuts' , Kevs' Bestman!" Jane stammers out
Mum stares with eyes, like flames soon will spout
Kev whisks me off, like my welfares in doubt
Guess Mum is dreading, when Rellies invites come out.

By Norman Ohl
Inmate Boy ‘n’ Man

As a Boy I drew the World, from an Ideal view
Land green, Clouds white, Sea and Ocean blue
Crooks bad, Cops good, sure that justice shines through
As a Man, if asked, I'd say " This just ain't true"

Experience, is the difference, tween ideal and what's real
You must ride the road, before the potholes you can feel
Knowing they exist, or even where they are
Will never inflict the pain, of the back crushing jar

I rode the rail of justice, when accused of a crime
Ticket price was high, hired a Barrister, for a time
The Boy was still inside, was expecting justice clear
The Man soon learned the truth was not the issue here

Legal games and theatre, soon played out just like a jig
Characters with scripts writ by Prosecutors in wigs
This play was for the Jury, Being paid to watch the show
Actors pay came later from the Compo Judge bestowed

Joe Taxpayer paid the others, playing in this legal Jam
I didn't have a part, except when named, I said, "I am"
So now I'm housed and fed, while Joe Taxpayer foots the Bill
Neighbours talk of exploits, Armed Rob and those they've killed

The Boy must leave forever, this place would scare him stiff
He'd show a sign of weakness, get stabbed with Prison Shiv
Be gang raped in the showers, pushed down a set of stair
No time to take step backwards, when facing angry glare

Step up, hit back harder, only tactic that will fly
Get hard, and then get tougher, for now I must survive
But wait, the Boy must surface, just briefly on the Phone
Man is now too scary, for Loved ones still at home

They face their first world problems, daily as before
Emails, Texts and Lattes, or Red or White to pour?
Just one must live this nightmare, not all, I love and care for
So Boy, you need to stay, ten minutes, not one Sec. more!

By Norman Ohl

Note: Inmate communication is controlled and limited. Phone calls are limited to 10 mins and cannot be made consecutively, to very small list of approved outside numbers.
Old Bills Workshop

Old highway one, South edge of town
You will find, if you look around
Old Bill's workshop white timber door
Inside a jet black, sponge coated floor
Made of crust, fifty years sump oil pour

Probably some form under there
Concrete maybe?, but who is to care
It functions well, as does the hoist
Compressor lifts, above floor joist
Welder, press, vice, every tool

Sporadically scattered bench and tin
Unfathomable, but, deliberate mess akin
to a whirlpool of metal, that other workers unsettled
as Bill alone, seems to have the knack
to locate quickly, when cars on Jack

"A" grade mechanics, of Bills degree
today, you will, not often see
his breed where forged, in the post war era
no plug n play parts, his job much clearer
if it needed a bit, you had to fix it
if broke and undone, Bill had to make one

His skill set, must meet demand
He learnt to craft things by hand
Today's computer engineers
would be instantly bought to tears
upon surveying Bill's collection
purpose made tools, all complexions

new mechanics could often be heard
ask questions they feared, absurd
when holding aloft a contraption
cautiously, ask 'Bill is it this one?"

Its' not they were dim or slow witted
Einstein would not know where it fitted
As necessity is Mother of invention
Bill's special tools, defy novice comprehension.

By Norman Ohl
Swills Bucks Party

Swills bucks party, one of my jobs
Bestman must round up the mob
and ply them with food and with grog
less of former, more the latter
food must be fried, drowned in batter
cause taste is optional, if beers ice cold
goal, remould reputations, let unrest unfold

What of the Gloom? Him I unsettled
large billy goat, with shackle I fettled
I figured the challenge to pee with goat
be difficult, chance to end well, remote
but surprisingly his horns and cloven hoof
gave Swill drag handle, traction on tile loose
standing at the urinal, goats head aloft
proved no challenge at all, Swill just scoffed

Party fired on , pretty much to plan
Pub was closing, time for us to scram
hardened core of mates and drinkers
needed more to drink, t'was no clear thinkers
But sounded a good Idea at the time
so out in street, spilled as midnight chimed

We burst abluster, into the Royal
very drunk Gloom, goat, and Bestman loyal
my eyes lit up, as a piercing glare
came from the Bride, who was partying there
She looked at Swill, the Goats white tulle veil
Daggers for me, her night I’d derailed

By Norman Ohl
Spoof, Beaver Hunter

Spoof, loved a Drink
we all did, in the past
to him it was an art form

A daily consumptive task
Spoof, Swill, and I
would often hit the town
then come closing time
we would look around

Spoof was always off
Sniffing for some tail
Not that he was fussy
Just one that he could nail

We two would wander home
Tomorrow there'd be strife
the early morning call
from Spoofs puzzled, angry, Wife

By Norman Ohl
Repeat Rewind

How is it we do not see
Our past we have repeated
We think we look forward but
Ourselves we've defeated

Is it our Parents
or past Lovers to blame?
Do these things matter?
Would still be the same?

Is it excuse
That we look to others?
We should hard, look within
Not back at our Mothers

I think both the same
Create in us feeling
issue we must grab
Is find ways of healing

toughest by far
For a calm life to live
Stare in a mirror
And our self, forgive

By Norman Ohl
Primary Mates

Swill was me mate, we met in grade one
We bonded for life and had sooo much fun
In grade 3 he transferred, we cried at our loss
Displaced without him I became a gang boss
Basher or Bashee, was the choice at my school

I resolved to get tough, be nobody’s fool
Baddest dog in the yard, as I left that place
Boys’ High School now, whole different pace
Fought my way through, to top dog in grade 8
Teachers took note, the CUTS was my freight
Swill was there too, we re-joined at the hip
But I was too tough for that sentiment Shit

He still had the gift, I gave in grade three
Pencil case made from cured dry oak tree
To this day I’m not sure, why I smashed it to splinters
Maybe payback, for his 5 absent winters

By Norman Ohl
Office Snoop

She hovers round outside your door
the kitchen sink and corridor
there is no depth, too low to stoop
to listen in, the office snoop

Ears as keen as eyes of hawk
ears aglow, passed you, slow walk
you and work mate have a talk
then off she'll run, Boss to squawk

Much as she is, by all despised
you wish Her sticky beak, incised
you should pity, Bosses private-eye
and now I, will tell you why

Her life away from Her daily work
as many friends, as hangman's clerk
you know when She, was just a teen
was bullied out, of her canteen

Imagine when, t'was younger still
pork chop in pocket, gain dogs goodwill
You know her Mum, paid an advance
to bribe Her date, for end school dance

Now She sits, at home alone
waiting by the silent phone
Facebook profile, unbeknown
to any suitor, who'd call, her their own

She dreams of Prince, upon a throne
to change Her life, be first class flown
to love affair, like lust cyclone
 will only be, if she buys a clone

So next you see Her, lurking round
don't wish Her hung or drawn or drowned
don't set on Her, the hungry hound
Her life is Hell, no need compound
with your distain, and surly frown
tonight you will be, on the town
with friends awash, acting the clown
She'll be home, running herself down.

By Norman Ohl
To My Child

How can I reduce to pen and paper
Parental joy, patriarchal utopia
doubt I can, but will venture to express
So my children aren't left to guess

The day you were born, my world shrank
T’was only you, all else, a blank
blinkers had been fitted to my head
and I could see, just straight ahead
central to my field of view
newborn miracle that was you

while you have grown, and will continue to
no beauty can match, my view of you
I gaze on you, feel exhilaration
of panic mixed with anticipation

Panic because, it occurs to me
the magnitude and intensity
of you, My responsibility
to forge into, the good person you'll be

Anticipation because, my future anew
is set to guide and revolve around you
as no matter what, you chose to do
part my creation, you'll always stay
no matter if your straight or gay
regardless if your lead astray
misadventure sends life, disarray
or your relationships are in decay

I'll straighten back, chest swell with pride
when were together, you and me astride
love for you, so big, I could sub-divide
and still it would be, too big to describe

By Norman Ohl

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